Bureaucratic Redundancy

I generally try to avoid posting or saying negative things about work for fear that the fickle-demons of the internet will find out and get me in trouble but I have to share this one.

I saw this today at work and just thought it was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in my 20+ years of government service.   I have to go through all the SOPs at work and ensure they are in the correct format as part of yearly update drudgery.   What did I find that is so stupid you ask?  We actually have a SOP at work about when and who is supposed to read SOPs.   If that is not the most needless and redundant piece of bureaucracy, I don’t know what is.  I just had to do a forehead slap and wonder who originally thought the idea up.   Every place I have ever worked has SOPs for all kinds of stuff, but I don’t think I have seen one about the rest of the SOPs.