I am fairly particular about how assignment files are named when submitted to the online classroom. This greatly assists me in keeping track of which students have submitted their assignments and which I have graded so that I can provide timely feedback. Properly naming assignments also demonstrates attention to the instructions for assignments, for that reason improperly named assignments will receive a points deduction because if you can’t even be bothered to follow these simple instructions it has been my experience that you did not put an extreme amount of effort into the assignment either.
Below are my general rules for how assignments should be named:
- All submitted papers will be named according to the following conventions this lets me keep classes and assignments straight so you, the student, get the grades you deserve in a reasonable time
- File name shall be the students last name and first initial, name of assignment and Class number
- Ex. SnuffyJ-HIST 142-Essay1
- All documents shall include a header on every page except the title page
- The header lists the class, assignment, and students last name and first initial just as in the file name
- Ex. HIST 142 – Essay1 – SnuffyJ
Finally include a page # at the bottom of the page and centered