Pentagon holds first gay pride event
I don’t whether to laugh or cry. I think the latter though
I picked up Ethical Chic: The Inside Story of the Companies We Think We Love by Fran Hawthorne at my local library because I figured the book would be good for a laugh.  I was not wrong.  I was also treated to a view inside modern liberalism that I did not expect.  The whole premise of the book is an investigation to determine if some of the companies most beloved of the American left really live up to the chic, progressive image they project to the world.  The companies profiled are Starbucks, American Apparel, Tom’s of Maine, Trader Joe’s, Timberland, and Apple.  I will also be upfront and admit that I have never bought products from … More after the Jump…
Pentagon holds first gay pride event
I don’t whether to laugh or cry. I think the latter though
I got my latest copy of the SMH Journal of Military History a few weeks ago and am working my way through the articles. The Journal always provides grist for at least one post, most of the time it is a thought provoking article that prompts me to post. This time it is different. There is a phrase in one of the articles that caused me to raise my eyebrows. The article is: Candice Shy Hooper, “The War That Made Hollywood: How the Spanish-American War Saved the U.S. Film Industry,†The Journal of Military History76 #1 (January 2012): 69-97. The phrase is: “The newest form … More after the Jump…